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Hebt u dat ook?

Een Bicker-lezer die zichzelf op de allernieuwste iPhone had getrakteerd, de 13, zag tot zijn verbazing dat een ritje Amsterdam-Schiphol plotseling 43 euro kostte op Uber. Terwijl dat voorheen toch niet meer was dan 35 euro. Zou Uber dan kijken met wat voor telefoon je een bestelling plaatst ……?

Beetje rondneuzen leert dat dit vermoeden al lang bestaat. Al in 2018 schreef The Guardian: There are other clues that Uber et al might be examining your personal data in order to toggle their prices based on your propensity to pay more at a particular moment. In 2016, for example, a behavioral scientist at Uber divulged that the company knew that people were more willing to pay a higher fare when their phone batteries were low. While they said they “absolutely don’t use that” information, one has to wonder why they have a behavioural economist on staff in the first place, if it isn’t to manipulate prices based on people’s behavior.

What other data points might Uber be looking at to gauge your price sensitivity? Obvious factors include the sort of credit card you use, where you live, the make of phone you’re using, and your ride history. But, really, we have no idea how much information the likes of Uber know about us and how they are using this data; their privacy policies are incredibly broad. (vet gedrukt door mij toegevoegd, DB)

En kennelijk hoeven ze dus niet openbaar te maken wat ze precies allemaal weten, door die ‘privacy’ policy.

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